Your way to Growmart in Hamburg
How to find Growmart - Growshop: (Google Maps Link)
Billbrookdeich 80 in 22113 Hamburg (Billbrook)
Of course, we speak English
FAQ about Warehouse Sales
What are the opening hours?
We are open from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM.
Can I view everything on-site?
Since this is a warehouse sale, we cannot unpack everything. However, we have many products, such as grow tents, grow ventilation, LED grow lights, and much more on display for you. You can also find detailed information about the products in our online shop. We are happy to advise you by phone, email, or in person.
Can I pre-order online and pick up my order?
Online pre-orders with pickup (“Click & Collect”) are no longer available. However, you can check online if the desired item is in stock and purchase it directly on-site in our warehouse sale.
How can I pay on-site?
At the warehouse sale, we accept cash, EC cards, and credit cards.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us anytime.