Real bat guano as an organic soil fertiliser - the balanced nitrogen booster from Mother Nature.
Plagron Bat Guano is a first-class natural product. Bats? protein-rich diet (insects) makes their droppings particularly rich in natural nitrogen compounds, which are gradually broken down by bacteria in the soil and are thereby made available to the plant. In the growth phase, Plagron Bat Guano supports rapid growth and healthy, green leaves.
While many nitrogen fertilisers are not suitable for flowering plants or should not be applied during the flowering phase, Plagron Bat Guano stands out thanks to its high phosphorus content. This makes is an ideal organic soil fertiliser, especially for flowering plants.
The organic nature of the Bat Guano more or less eliminates the possibility of overfertilisation; however take care when applying additional phosphorus-potassium products in the flowering/fruit formation phase.
Plagron Bat Guano is an effective soil fertiliser, that is mixed in with the soil substrate when potting/re-potting a plant and maintains excellent effects in the long-term.
Note: Plagron Universal products are generally suitable for all growing media, however due to its organic structure, Bat Guano is primarily intended for use in soil and earth-like substrates.
Plagron Bat Guano
Manufacturer: Plagron
Usage: Organic soil fertiliser from bat dung
Suitable growing media: Soil and earth-like growing media
Composition (N-P-K): 3-15-4
Manufacturer's analysis:
Organic nitrogen (N): 3%
Water-soluble phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 15%
Water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O): 4%
Organic/Mineral: | organic fertiliser |
Suitable Medium: | Fertiliser for soilFertiliser for coco |
Phase: | CuttingsGrow |
Ingredients: | NPK Base |
Size: | 1 Liter |
Content: | 1,00 l |
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