For friends of Mediterranean cuisine: Fresh oregano from your own (indoor) garden.
Italian (a.k.a Greek) oregano (Origanum vulgare, subspecies Hirtum) is a particularly flavoursome subspecies of oregano in the mint family. Due to its popularity as a seasoning, Italian oregano is also sometimes known as the ?pizza herb?.
Italian oregano can be distinguished by its dense, faintly-haired leaves, its delicate, aromatic blossom, which takes on a white to pink/violet colour, and its bushy growth. Italian oregano is closely related to wild marjoram (Origanum vulgare subsp. Virens) and Origanum vulgare subsp. Viride.
The leaves and flowers of the plant can be used as a seasoning (either fresh or dried), and it reaches its aromatic climax in the late flowering period.
Usage: Year-round in an indoor garden, late spring to autumn in an outdoor space.
Italian Oregano, Greek Oregano, seeds
Manufacturer: Tropica
Delivery contents:
1x Tropica Italian oregano
Weight (including packaging): approx. 30g
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